
The Future of Data Privacy: Why Open Beats Closed When It Comes to Clean Rooms

Sadegh Riazi
August 22, 2023

Learn about the importance of "data clean rooms" - a solution that allows for private data sharing and analysis - in this blog post. We discuss the trade-offs involved in choosing between generic third-party solutions and custom open-source options, and how open-source SMC frameworks provide building blocks for custom clean rooms. With open SMC technologies and the right team, any company can achieve a strategic advantage through proprietary, self-governed data analysis and sharing systems that move as fast as - or faster than - vendor options ever will. Join us in exploring the future of data privacy and innovation on companies' terms.

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Data rules. Every company knows it, and they're scrambling to catch up. Analytics, AI, personalization - all those buzzwords won't get you anywhere without one key ingredient: data. Lots of it, and the ability to squeeze insights from it.

There's just one pesky little problem. Privacy. Security. Trust. As in, how do companies collaborate on data when they have to keep it all hush-hush?

Enter the "data clean room," the solution du jour. The bold promise of private data sharing and analysis. But not so fast. Because clean rooms aren't created equal. And the choice comes down to open or closed - controlling your own destiny, or handing it over to vendors.

Two paths lie ahead: homomorphic encryption and secure multiparty computation (SMC). One uses encryption to analyze and decrypt data in a "black box," hoping you won't peek behind the curtain. The other, SMC, gives you the keys to the kingdom: distributed data and algorithms so you control it all.

Vendors push homomorphic encryption, selling ease of use. But it locks you into their systems, their rules, their outdated tech. SMC, on the other hand, gives you building blocks to create a custom clean room to your needs. Open-source projects offer privacy-preserving tools ready to be woven together and made your own.

Champions choose open. They know controlling data and destiny beats handing them over for empty promises of convenience. While closed clean rooms might check a compliance box today, they stifle innovation for tomorrow. With open SMC, you call the shots. You build specialized teams that understand privacy inside and out. Clean rooms tailored to your business unlock insights vendors just can't get to. And when use cases change, you change with them.

The future of privacy will be built on open data, or it won't be built at all. Off-the-shelf means short term gains for long term pain; learn from the companies that embraced open source software and prospered. Open lets you achieve a strategic win on your terms: data systems moving at your pace, with nothing lost in translation.

For those seeking data's promise without limits, open SMC offers opportunity: build it and own it. Safeguard information in a way that gives control without dependence. With openness comes progress - and for leaders in data, progress is the only option.

Open or closed. A choice that is no choice at all. The future of data privacy is within reach - for those ready to grasp it on their own terms. Are you up for the challenge? Victory goes to the bold.

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